Our Values

Our Mission

Growing sustainable business communities by helping SMEs to pursue economic goals while reducing their environmental impact.

Our Vision

We believe:

  • In supporting SME’s to create customer-centric marketing strategies to accelerate their economic growth, thereby creating mutually beneficial experiences and a prosperous and sustainable future.
  • In order for business communities to flourish they need to promote responsible growth, equitable career opportunities and societal value, thereby leaving a lasting positive impact on subsequent generations.
  • That every business worldwide should be driven by a profound sense of responsibility, promoting a greener, fairer world for future generations through a vastly reduced environmental footprint.

Vu embodies this vision in its own practices.

Environmental Commitment

We are trying to enhance our understanding and consciousness of the climate and nature crisis, empowering both individual and collective actions to effectively address and resolve these challenges. You can find out more about our sustainability challenges and progress here.

Our environmental philanthropy includes setting up a community business network the Positive Nature Network CIC, and creating nature-positive local events to try and maintain the local environment and individual wellbeing, committing over 1% of our profits to the planet, with a priority towards the Devon Environment Foundation because of our local connection.

It is our belief that small communities doing more local action might just change the world on a global scale and have outlined a policy that consolidates a set of commitments for the continued improvement of our environmental performance.

The best practices set in this Environmental Policy apply to all Vu Online employees’ activities, either from home or from any other work site location.

Our Values

Vu does not use offshore development resource for reasons outlined in its Ethical and Environmental Policies.

In order to ensure that slavery or poor working conditions are kept out of its supply line, due diligence air miles would have a disproportionate environmental impact set against the economic benefit.

The aim is for our workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society and our customers, and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best.

In line with government guidance from Positive Action in the workplace, Vu will seek to redress an imbalance for underrepresented groups. You can find out more in our Equality & diversity policy.

We hold the following values closely when working with our clients.

Advice that suits you – not us

We have built a team of creative problem solvers and a network of partners that deliver high quality work. This means we will communicate with you about meeting your goals, not pushing our products.

It’s our mission to find evidence to underpin ideas and establish that it has a good chance of working. We aim to set clear expectations and speak the unvarnished truth, without embellishment and without softening the hard realities of that truth.

Working towards a green web

We are working with organisations who want to create a green web. All of our websites are hosted on green web foundation approved 100% renewable energy, assessed to ISO 14001 standards.

We don’t stop there, we are always looking for new, sustainable ideas both on and offline.

Hands on help

Our clients often come to us looking for a product, in our experience they need a service.

We enjoy visiting our clients at their places of work, understanding their individual needs and challenges and workshopping new ideas with them is both highly rewarding for us and progressive for them – it’s why our clients stay with us.

Education when it’s sought

Passionately integrating ourselves in your organisation to enable greater knowledge and smarter working towards the goals.

We take the time to meet people and share knowledge through our own networking events, group training sessions, hands-on workshops throughout the project process at Vu and of course endlessly updating our web design blog.

Belief in potential of local business

We work with passionate business owners that want to build progressive organisations, we make and implement new ideas, push boundaries, and believe in what’s possible.

Our aim is to build a tribe of well established and respected organisations, sharing a common goal to help make Devon business better.

Being Human

We’ll have successes and failures. We’ll share in both and learn from both.

We all have a responsibility to help each other and our clients and customers to enjoy the experience of doing business together.


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