Rachel Hosking - A Vu Tribe Testimonial

The Challenge

To combine several outdated websites into one modern, easy-to-use platform focused on converting leads into customers.

“I just wasn’t aware of how important being on that first page really was until you start to see the phone calls and it’s increased amazingly.”

Resetting the Pins

Serious About Events valued our customer-focused perspective. With over two decades of event experience behind them, there was nothing SAE didn’t know about putting on a fun and well-organised event. What they did need help with was getting back inside the mindset of a potential customer and building an online experience that could win them over.

By working with Vu, the SAE team could see their business through their customers’ eyes and make smart decisions around structure and content.

serious about events mobile website design

Getting the Ball Rolling

Having run events for more than 25 years, it was no surprise that SAE’s website had become dated. It was also fractured with multiple websites set up for different types of event. We set about designing a fresh new look and bringing all events into one all-purpose website.

We workshopped various personas and their needs from a weekend away, creating tailored landing pages that we could then send targeted traffic to. Through a combination of Google Ads & Meta Ads, we began to drive relevant traffic to the pages and started filling up the events calendar.

We did a filming day in order to create various promo videos to present the Adults weekend away, skittles and Spa elements separately. The effectiveness of our filming gave us some great shots to create short social media adverts, proving to be an effective use of time and budget.

“I simply cannot recommend Vu Online highly enough. Dom, Richard and the team are the Yoda’s of the digital marketing world.”

Search engine optimisation (SEO) also needed revisiting because a lot of the text search engines use to categorise and rank a website was locked away within images. By adding content to areas where it could be crawled, we instantly improved the visibility of the business.

A website is about much more than visual design and persuasive writing. Vu embedded new systems and processes within the site and categorised audiences more clearly so that they could be funnelled to the relevant landing pages.

By improving the search visibility of the brand and streamlining the customer journey, more leads will take that extra step to become customers.

The Solution

By building them an effective lead conversion platform we have helped SAE advertise and market the right message to the right audience with confidence.

“It’s the quality and the calibre of the leads as well, people that we would have never got in front of are phoning us: big clients, it’s fantastic.”

Ready to be Bowled Over?

Want to work with a web design company that delivers measurable improvements? We can build you a modern, user-friendly website that speaks directly to your target audience, improving conversions and boosting your brand.


As we emerge from the pandemic, any improvement in conversion rate matters. The changes Vu Online have embedded into the new SAE website will help the business bounce back after what has been an incredibly hard period for the events industry.

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WordPress Website Design Company

WordPress Website Design

We are WordPress website design specialists delivering SEO optimised, customer centric WordPress applications for businesses owners, SMEs, not for profit, and digital marketing teams across Devon, the south west and the UK.

Branding & Graphic Design

Partner with a creative branding agency to re-develop or design a unique brand. Use our graphic design service to create consistency from every touch point with your customers, across digital and offline channels.

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