Jacob Kneebone - A Vu Tribe Testimonial

The Challenge

To generate more leads through optimising the company’s existing website, to then be progressed onto a new Vu site.

Who are Kneebone Trees?

Kneebone Trees from Totnes carry out a variety of tree and grounds-related services including tree surgery, site clearance, consultancy, hedge trimming and grounds maintenance. They work with both commercial and domestic customers.

As with all similar trades, Kneebone Trees rely on a regular stream of relevant leads in order to run a healthy business. They realise this means having a sound digital marketing strategy in place.

Initially, Vu Online were restricted to using the company’s existing Wix website to increase the number of leads. We first squeezed as much juice as we could from that fruit, using a blend of search engine optimisation (SEO) and Pay per Click (PPC).

After positive results, the client agreed to us designing them a new website in order to maximise their marketing ROI even further.

Could the Grass be Greener?

The client initially approached us having become aware of our work with Arborcure, a business in the same industry but based in Plymouth. From a starting point of only one or two leads per month, we had helped Arborcure to increase this figure to around 25 leads per month. This is exactly what Kneebone Trees were looking for.

The Solution

We improved the performance of the client’s existing website by adding around 20 pages of optimised content to support an online ads campaign. We later built them a new, more flexible website.

Preparing The Ground

Kneebone Trees were initially unsure whether they wanted to invest in a brand new Vu Online website so we agreed to start their transformation by helping them optimise their existing Wix website as much as possible.

Conversions from advertising increased with a new website

“I was blown away by the results, but it was a big commitment for my business, I thought it over for a long time, if I could go back I would have made the jump to Vu sooner.”

This involved us adding around 20 pages of fresh content to the site in the form of service-focused landing pages. We then immediately set up Pay per Click (PPC) ads in order to drive traffic to these new pages. Through our website monitoring technology, we noticed that the website was not always available but as we had no access to the restricted code, we could only provide feedback.

After experiencing an uplift in leads from the work we had carried out to that point, Kneebone Trees had enough confidence and evidence to agree to a new Vu Online website. This gave us much more flexibility to develop the site into a lead-generating machine.



New Leads Generated (First 3 Months)


New Website Users (First 3 Months)


Improvement in Mobile Page Speed (New Vu Website)


Improvement in Desktop Page Speed (New Vu Website)

Kneebone Trees started getting results almost immediately after we had begun optimising their existing website. Not only was their PPC campaign generating more leads but the activity was having a knock-on effect to their website as a whole. From a baseline of only a handful of visits per month, they started achieving between 50 and 100 visits per month.

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small business marketing support

The Tribe

The Vu Tribe is a monthly subscription to help small businesses generate more sales. It brings together brand development, storytelling, digital strategy, delivery & training. Every aspect of what we deliver is measured and is reported each month.

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