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Tips on building a digital marketing team

Once a business reaches a certain size, it becomes clear that the marketing function can no longer be supported alongside day-to-day operations. It’s time to consider building a digital marketing team, but, in addition, the digital marketing field has become so broad and specialised it’s hard to work out what should be in-house or outsourced.

What we will cover

So we’ve got some tips on building a digital marketing team to help you get the right people on the bus.

Structuring your Dream Team

Even if you have to start with a dream team of two or three people, it is worth setting out an organisational structure to help you fill roles as you expand. This will also assist your current marketing people to separate out their roles and responsibilities.

While models may vary, one effective structure splits the marketing function into three areas:

  • Content
  • Acquisition
  • Conversion

At first, you will probably only have capacity to have one person in charge of each of these areas but ultimately you will have directors heading up content, acquisition and conversion teams, and splitting into these areas keeps these three sections separate from just “doing content”.

The content team (or person) will be in charge of your blog posts, podcasts, videos, social media content and – where applicable – digital communities.

The acquisition team will focus on generating leads and driving front-end sales. Analytics will also feature in this area.

The conversion team concentrates on turning those leads and one-time customers into long-term customers.

An established marketing department will have carved out various specialist roles within these three areas.

For example, a content team may employ a:

  • Blog editor
  • Video editor
  • Social media manager
  • Digital communities manager

An acquisition team may include a:

  • Traffic manager
  • Analytics manager
  • Ad designer

The conversion team could have an:

  • Email marketing manager
  • Optimisation manager

Hiring Personnel

Once you have created your organisational structure, it’s time to fill the roles you need.

Whether you hire yourself or bring in a recruitment agency, you should spend time crafting a good job description. This will maximise the chance of good hires (employee churn is horrendously expensive!).

Defining values and culture for your workplace has proven far more valuable to us over the years than picking on skill – it’s a lot harder to change mindset than it is to learn digital skills.

An effective job description might include:

  • General information (the role title, office location, salary, etc.)
  • The purpose of the role
  • Key responsibilities
  • KPIs
  • Personal characteristics

While the role purpose, responsibilities and KPIs will inform the candidate exactly what is required of them, the personal characteristics section will help ensure cultural fit.

To minimise churn, aim slightly above the average salary for the role while ensuring the candidate will be comfortable within your company culture.

On-boarding and Team Management

Having invested in getting the right people in for the role, it is important that new employees are given adequate training. It is a good idea to give them at least a week’s worth of training before they take on the role – preferably more.

Training could include specific  classes and certifications but should also cover your core mission and values.

How Vu can Fill the Gaps

Now you have read through the above, you may feel that the task of creating a marketing team is overwhelming. The good news is that Vu Online have created ‘The Tribe,’ a network designed to help fill the digital marketing gap while getting to the heart of a brand’s story.

Whether you need to outsource your entire marketing function or simply access some additional services, training or support, visit the Vu Tribe page. If your looking for more tips then check out the digital marketing category

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